I told Z we could discuss it all he wanted but to please wait till bed (we were 5 minutes away from bedtime). I later curled up with him in his bed and explained to him that he has a right to believe or not believe in Santa, but he needs to respect B's beliefs and not discuss it around her, as he could see it got her terribly upset. I then asked him what he thought about the whole Santa idea... he said that the cookies being eaten and the half eaten carrots found outside on the sidewalk the next morning proved nothing, Hubby and I could have easily done that... and the presents... Hubby and I could be buying them... and that Santa coming down a chimney makes no sense at all... the whole time I smiled at him, and waited, not saying anything, letting him talk and then after a pause he looked at me and laughed and said "I'm right aren't I???". I replied that the magic and spirit of Christmas and Santa is in our hearts, and that it indeed lives very strongly in my heart. I reminded him that I've always said that exact thing to them over the years. I added that what we choose to believe at various stages of our lives is up to us, but that keeping the magic alive in our hearts, keeps Santa real for everyone... He smiled and nodded, he thought a bit more, hugged me back with a big smile and then changed the subject to Pokemon. A tactic he does when he's done talking about a certain subject or wants to avoid talking about something.
It would appear we've come to an end of an era... My baby is letting go of Santa... I'm relieved at how he's handling it... It's always been a worry that kids at school would tell him and he'd argue with them that Santa was real and then feel bad or feel totally betrayed when he later found out the truth... Fortunately, he's figured it out on his own, and he's handling it wonderfully. Phew! Now if only my heart could just handle it better... :'O(