Inane musings from a pragmatic Mom and Housewife

Inane musings (and occasional recipes) from a pragmatic Mom and Housewife

Monday, August 15, 2011

- Percolating -

So do any of you remember this 1950's Maxwell House Percolator commercial?  I loved this commercial when I was a kid and it's stuck with me all these years.  It must have been repeated in the 70's, since I don't recall any of the other commercials that I found on Youtube...  Odd I know and you can quit with the age jokes!  ;O)  (if the video isn't showing up, just click refresh, or the link below it, it has been flaky).

Anyways, lately I've been doing the "dooka dooka dooka... dook dook" percolator tune from the commercial each time I start making coffee in our percolator (my Dad gave to us a few years back).  Hubby's been giving me humorous smiles while shaking his head, not knowing what on earth I'm singing.  I finally did a search on Youtube today to play the commercial for him.  He's now been enlightened but doesn't recall that commercial or tune at all...  am I the only one????  LOL 

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