Inane musings from a pragmatic Mom and Housewife

Inane musings (and occasional recipes) from a pragmatic Mom and Housewife

Monday, September 7, 2009

- Oh Those Frocodiles!!! -

Oh my sweet little girl.  B told us that her “frocodiles” (her invisible crocodile friends) are ready for school… I've warned B’s new teacher, that B has these ‘frocodile’ friends and they’ll probably show up the first few days of school, but that I've told her they need to stay in her backpack while she’s in class… because the other kids won’t be able to see them, and might step on them… her teacher laughed and said she’s glad to know about them and will ‘look out’ for these invisible friends of B’s and will suggest the same thing. :O) I know the frocodiles will begin to disappear now that she’ll have real friends in her life, and more exciting things to do… actually, I'm going to miss those little toothless invisible creatures… they've been fun to have around… :O)  Why crocodiles??? I’ll never know… they just showed up one day about a year and a half ago and stayed. They've gone on trips to Niagara Falls with us, they've been responsible for several mishaps in the house (wink, wink), they've protected her from scary things at night, they go on many adventures together… today, they’re at the beach with B (in the living room on a blanket), but apparently they’re not listening to her, and she’s up in arms with them at the moment… LMAO!!! At times I wish I had a frocodile friend myself, though not today, they’re not listening very well. ;O)

While I was driving yesterday, I found myself trying yet again to clear something from my throat and a sudden realization struck. I’ve been bothered for weeks with an annoyance (for lack of a better word) in my neck. It doesn't hurt, so much as it’s just very bothersome. I tried the other night using Chloraseptic to numb it because it was driving me crazy. I wake up coughing each night, I have trouble swallowing… Well, finally my brain kicked in while I was driving and I realized my problem is my thyroid (duh!!!). It's obvious the damn nodule on it has grown, despite the medication my Dr. prescribed. I can now locate the lump easily with my fingers and can see it clearly in the mirror (I looked when I got home). It’s definitely what’s pressing inside and growing into my oesophagus. So, Tues I will make an appt. with my Dr. and I know she’s going to say the next step is surgery. She had warned me last year, that if the medication didn’t do the trick, and if it grew and started obstructing my throat, we’d have to remove it. Oh am I excited about that. :OP  I’ve never had surgery before, never had a broken bone, hell, even both child births were very easy… so basically, this is the first ‘serious’ thing for me to encounter… Naturally, my heart is up in my throat over it, (and heavens knows there’s not much room in there for it!!!!) ;O) LOL. I’m wishing I had noticed the growth back in the spring, maybe I could have had the surgery during the summer, while the kids were at home. It would have been a lot easier. As it is, if I do need the surgery, hubby  will be handling the kids in and out of school during the day, so I’ll have to go it alone.  I did the entire biopsy thing alone, so I can do this alone.  Oh Freakin’ Hootin’ Nannies! As I said before, and will say again… I did NOT want to turn 40!!!! LOL Y’all see!!!  Gah. LOL

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